Find wood technology programs in schools or training programs offered by the industry.
You can use this database to look for woodworking-related high schools, post secondary schools and training programs throughout the United States, Canada and Mexico. There are over 1,000 listings! For example, you can search by geographical filters such as zip code, city, or state; type of institution, such as high school, community college or craft/specialty school; type of program, such as construction, wood manufacturing, or furniture; or type of achievement/degree, such as certificate, diploma, or 4 year degree.
You can also search multiple filters at once, for example, if you wanted to search for a “4 year college/university” (type of institution) that offers “furniture/design” (type of program) and “4 year degree” (achievement/degree) in “North Carolina” (State)…you can do that!
If you know the name or city of a specific program, enter that information below. Or, select one or more criteria from the drop-down boxes. Then hit SEARCH.