MFG Day 2018 Recap: Reborn Cabinets and Rock Steady Events

Two Southern California Wood Products Manufacturers Host Successful Events

MFG Day 2018 Recap: Reborn Cabinets and Rock Steady Events

Reborn Cabinets Brings Together City of Anaheim, Vital Link, Local Schools and Organizations to Coordinate MFG Day Event and Job Fair

On Friday, October 5, 2018, over 300 local high school students toured Reborn Cabinets’ headquarters facility in Anaheim, California for the company’s third annual MFG Day event. The event was planned with the help of the City of Anaheim’s “Manufacturing Month” campaign along with Vital Link, a local industry-education liaison group, and other industry and education organization representatives including CMTC and AWFS. In addition to a presentation and facility and showroom tour, Reborn hosted a job fair which welcomed local job seekers. Twelve different local employers had booths and spoke to attendees about job opportunities. Community business leaders and legislators were also in attendance, including a representative from Rep. Lou Correa’s (D-CA-46) office, who presented all participating organizations and companies with Certificates of Recognition.

AWFS and it’s local chapter, Society of Wood Manufacturing (SWM), invited Erik Cruz, the 2018 SkillsUSA California Cabinetmaking High School Gold Medalist, to attend the event where he spoke about his SkillsUSA experience and Reborn Cabinets produced a video of Erik. SkillsUSA national officer Guadalupe Cortez also attended and spoke as a representative of the organization.

See the official press release on the Reborn Cabinets MFG Day Event

Guadalupe Cortez, SkillsUSA National Officer, speaking to students at Reborn Cabinets 2018 MFG Day Event

Erik Cruz, SkillsUSA CA 2018 State Cabinetmaking contest Gold Medalist speaking at the Reborn Cabinets MFG Day event.

Local high school students tour Reborn Cabinets during their 2018 MFG Day event.



Rock Steady Productions Hosts Three Local Schools at Long Beach, CA MFG Day Event

Long Beach, California manufacturer Rock Steady Productions LLC hosted a 2018 MFG Day event on Friday, October 5. Around sixty high school students from three different schools attended the event in shifts. Rock Steady team leaders spoke to the students about the company and careers and provided a tour of the facility. “We are happy to introduce students to our company and what we do,” says Sarah Prokop of Rock Steady “We hope that this event helped the students consider creative and rewarding careers in a field they may not have been previously aware of. We look forward to hosting another MFG Day event in the future to reach more students.”

Students from the California Academy of Math and Science learn about Rock Steady

Students from the SATO Academy learn about the CNC machine at Rock Steady

Students from McBride High School at Rock Steady’s MFG Day event.


It’s not too early to begin planning for your 2019 MFG Day event! Go to the official MFG Day website for tons of great resources, or contact Adria Salvatore at AWFS ( or 323.215.0311) for more information.

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